Project: Organizing Workshops and Seminars
(Under the Annual Action Plan 2018-2019 of BTSG – KFRI)
Under Skill development and Awareness Campaign of the National Bamboo Mission it is envisaged that Organization of Meetings/Workshops/symposia at the National, State and District level be taken up to discuss the important issues pertaining to the Bamboo sector. Since the mandate of the BTSG covers the networking with various stakeholders and to address the technical issues that the sector encounters, these workshops and meeting will be relevance for us to meet and solicit opinion and suggestion for passing on to NBM.
BTSG KFRI proposes to have two workshops at the District level, One each at State and National Level to address outstanding issues that impact the bamboo plantations and utilization of resources in the state.
To organize training courses for
- National Level
- State level
- District Level (2 nos.)
Expected output:
- Stakeholder perceptions on important issues pertaining to the problems faces by the Bamboo sector will be identified.
- Solutions for the problems as perceived by the stakeholders will be worked out.
- Recommendations based on the stakeholder meetings will be formulated.
Bamboo farmers /artisans/ industries and State Bamboo Missions.