The Bamboo Technical Support Group is hosted at KFRI and supported by the National Bamboo Mission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to serve as a unit providing support to the National Bamboo Cell in technical and research matters. BTSGs, of which there are three in the country, the other two being at ICFRE, Dehra Dun, and CBTC, Guwahati, cater to the different regions and offer training in resource enhancement through propagation technology, establishment and management of plantations, value addition of bamboo produce through preservative treatment and proper utilization for various end uses, advice to farmers and State Bamboo Missions on the suitability of species for different regions and land types, etc.

BTSG-KFRI has been involved in the training of field functionaries of the various southern States for the past several years. We have brought out handbooks and training manuals on various subjects like taxonomy and identification, propagation and nursery technology, establishment and management of plantations, and value addition through mechanization and preservative treatment.

Bamboo Technical Support Group KFRI

KFRI has expertise in various areas relating to bamboo which includes Taxonomy, identification and phylogeny, Growth and reproduction of priority species, Traditional methods of propagation, Micropropagation, Germplasm conservation and management, Bamboo nurseries, Plantation technology, and harvesting techniques, Pest and Disease Management, Preservative treatments, Value addition and marketing of bamboo products, Estimation of bamboo resources in homesteads and forests, Inventory of bamboo stocking using Remote Sensing and GIS technology, Socio-economic and livelihood potential of bamboo, Cluster development and livelihood improvement of artisans and farmers, etc.

The BTSG KFRI team consists of scientists of KFRI and project staff working on several aspects of the biology, cultivation, and utilization of bamboo and documentation and dissemination of information. The BTSG will be funded by the NBM and report to the National Bamboo Mission Cell.

BTSG will have the following role and functions:

  1. To visit the partner States frequently to provide guidance in policy, organizational and technical matters.
  2. Recommend/advice appropriate species of bamboo well suited to the region or the end user.
  3. Synergise inter-sectoral interaction for innovations.
  4. To compile materials for the conduct of regional workshops in respect of bamboo plantations, handicrafts, product development, bamboo marketing, and exports.
  5. To conduct studies on different aspects of the development of the bamboo sector.
  6. To assist the States in organizing capacity building programmes.
  7. Undertake publicity campaigns to promote the Mission objectives.
  8. To document and disseminate case studies.
  9. To conduct specialized Training Programmes at the Regional Level.
  10. To network with various stakeholders and Institutes/ Organizations/ Agencies, both in India and abroad.


The BTSG KFRI team consists of scientists of KFRI and project staff working on several aspects of the biology, cultivation and utilization of bamboo and documentation and dissemination of information. Visit their profile page for more information on their involvement in areas related to bamboo research, projects and training.

Dr Kannan CS Warrier

Dr Kannan CS Warrier

KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Sreekumar V B

Dr. Sreekumar V B

BTSG Coordinator
Department of Forest Botany
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. V Anitha

Dr. V Anitha

Associate Coordinator -BTSG,
Research & Academic Programme Coordinator- KFRI
Department of Forest Economics
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. K.V. Mohammed Kunhi

Dr. K.V. Mohammed Kunhi

Department of Extension
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. R. Jayaraj

Dr. R. Jayaraj

Department of Non-Timber Forest Produces
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. GE Mallikarjunaswamy

Dr. GE Mallikarjunaswamy

Department of Forest Pathology
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. S Sandeep

Dr. S Sandeep

Department of Soil Science
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Shambhu Kumar

Dr. Shambhu Kumar

Department of Forest Pathology
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. P.A. Jose

Dr. P.A. Jose

Tree Physiology Department
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Shweta B. Kukreti

Dr. Shweta B. Kukreti

Department of Wood Science & Technology
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Suma Arun Dev

Dr. Suma Arun Dev

Department of Forest Genetics and Biotechnology
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. AV Raghu

Dr. AV Raghu

Department of Extension
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Amruth M.

Dr. Amruth M.

Department of Sociology
Forestry and Human Dimension Division
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. M. Bheemalingappa

Dr. M. Bheemalingappa

Department of Forest Botany
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Donald James

Dr. Donald James

Department of Forest Genetics and Biotechnology
KFRI, Peechi
Dr. Ayate Dipika Purushottam

Dr. Ayate Dipika Purushottam

Department of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding
KFRI, Peechi
Arundhathi. V

Arundhathi. V

Bamboo Assistant, Bamboo Technical Support Group (BTSG) - KFRI
KFRI, Peechi
Saneesh Raj. K S

Saneesh Raj. K S

Bamboo Assistant, Bamboo Technical Support Group (BTSG) - KFRI
KFRI, Peechi