In India, with 144 species under 6 subspecies bamboos are distributed in the tropical moist deciduous forests of the north and the south, and the deciduous and semi-evergreen regions of the northeastern states. They are most abundant in the Northeastern states, Western, Eastern Ghats and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Northeastern hill regions possess the largest species diversity.
Bamboos are generally found in moist valleys, sheltered depressions, banks of streams and lower hill slopes. They also grow on higher slopes and hilltops and grow as a component of moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests. Bamboos also form secondary brakes and then, they occur in pure patches. Bambusa bambos, Ochlandra travancorica, Melocanna baccifera and Schizostachyum sp. are some species, which form bamboo brakes. The species like Dendrocalamus strictus, Bambusa bambos are widely distributed throughout India.
In India, the diversity of bamboos is mainly confined to the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal in the northeast region; Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh in the central region; Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu in the Southern Peninsular region including the Western Ghats. In northeast India, bamboos are found in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate forests with several endemic species. Some species are found in the high altitudes of Himalayan region also. Important species found in this area are Bambusa nutans, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, D. parishii, D. strictus, Drepanastachyum falcatum, Phyllostachys aurea, P. Bambusoides and Thamnocalamus spathiflorus etc., The species like Pseudoxytenanthera ritcheyi, Oxytenanthera monadelpha, O. bourdilonii, Teinostachyum wightii and all species representing the genera Ochlandra are endemic to Peninsular India.
Kerala part of the Western Ghats is one of the major diversity centres for bamboo species coming only next to Arunachal Pradesh. There are 28 species of bamboo identified in Kerala, among which five species come under the threatened category. The main species found in Kerala are Bambusa bambos, Ochlandra travancorica (OT), Dendrocalamus strictus etc. Kerala has 11 types of reeds (Ochlandra genus), which are thin-walled bamboos used mostly for weaving by traditional artisans.

In the Andaman Islands, bamboos are mainly found in Andaman semi-evergreen and Andaman hilltop stunted evergreen littoral forests. The common species is Gigantochloa andamanica found as bamboo brakes associated with Andaman's moist deciduous forests. The climbing bamboo, Dinochloa scandens var. andamanica is found in the ecotone regions of Andaman giant evergreen forests and Andaman tropical evergreen forests intermingled with trees. Neololeba atra is distributed in the tropical evergreen forests and the genus Schizostachyum is distributed in the ecotone regions of the Andaman semi-evergreen forests or found as a component of Andaman hilltop stunted evergreen littoral forests. Bamboos that are endemic to Andaman Islands are Dinochloa scandens var. andamanica, Dinochloa nicobariana, Pseudobambusa kurzii, Schizostachyum andamanicum, Schizostachyum kalpongianum and Schizostachyum rogersii. The endemic species found in the Nicobar Islands is Dinochloa nicobariana (Car Nicobar, Katchal, Great Nicobar Islands). In addition to the native species, Dendrocalamus giganteus, D. strictus, Bambusa bambos, B. vulgaris, Thyrostachys oliveri, Meloccana baccifera is also introduced to the Islands for cultivation.
The bamboo genera in India including the introduced species are given below
Genera No. of species
- Ampelocalamus 1
- Bambusa 28
- Cephalostachyum 6
- Chimonobambusa 3
- Chimonocalamus 3
- Dendrocalamus 17
- Dinochloa 4
- Drepanostachyum 5
- Gigantochloa 10
- Guadua 1
- Himalayacalamus 2
- Kuruna 4
- Melocalamus 3
- Melocanna 3
- Neohouzeaua 1
- Neololeba 1
- Neomicrocalamus 3
- Ochlandra 9
- Otatea 1
- Oxytenanthera 1
- Phyllostachys 4
- Pleioblastus 2
- Pseudosasa 1
- Pseudostachyum 1
- Pseudoxytenanthera 3
- Sarocalamus 2
- Schizostachyum 6
- Shibataea 1
- Sinarundinaria 2
- Stapletonia 1
- Teinostachyum 2
- Thamnocalamus 2
- Thyrsostachys 2
- Yushania 9 Total: 144*